lørdag 22. desember 2012

Vintage heaven

This shop has a large collection of old designers high-heleed footwear

Mannequin in Yafo

A well hidden, worth finding 2-hand shop in Yafo. Here you find all the original old designer shoes.

Vintage postcard

...From Israel

Israeli winter

At the beach of Atlit

Thunder storm coming ahead


One of thousand israeli dogs. I met this little beauty while strolling around the neighborhood.

New ethnic masks

Seen in the TLV art market. My father always used to collect these twisted wooden faces whenever he was out and about

Wire figures

An artist in the TLV Art market sold these cute little "sculptures"

Waiting for the bang

In a random staircase seeking shelter, when the second alarm went off in Tel Aviv, and the 3 and 4 rocket was shot down. It was a terrifying moment.

mandag 10. desember 2012

Southern beauty @ levinski

At the Levinski (nuts and spice) market in the south of TLV, you can get a real middle-eastern feeling with all the bags filled with different delights, global creatures and arabic letters. A little different from the more Central parts of town, that easily could fool you to believe your in a european city.

søndag 9. desember 2012

fredag 7. desember 2012

torsdag 6. desember 2012

Aderet. Bograshov st.

Inside this 2 hand store, you find and awesome collection of old toy robots

onsdag 5. desember 2012

tirsdag 4. desember 2012

Retro furniture + pretty woman

In Yafo you can find lots of 20th century furniture and clothing. In this street there are several café's, that at night get filled with 'crème de la crème' of the TLVian peeps.


Gest photographer Aviv Perry ;)

søndag 2. desember 2012

lørdag 1. desember 2012

The radio

The coolest pub in town. Here captured under a concert with "noamiko" a couple of weeks ago